01. Genitive singular

34 questions

Supply the genitive singular of the following nouns.

02. Nominative plural

28 questions

Supply the nominative plural of the following nouns

03. Vocabulary

71 questions

Translate into English

04. Use 'iet' in the present tense

12 questions

Conjugation of 'iet' in the present tense

05. Use 'braukt' in the present tense

12 questions

Conjugate 'braukt' in the present tense

06. Use 'nākt' in the present tense

11 questions

Conjugate 'nākt' in the present tense.

07. Supply the genitive singular

26 questions

Supply the correct form of the word

08. Supply the accusative

9 questions

Supply the accusative in the following sentences

09. Supply the correct case form after preposition 'uz' - genitive or accusative

13 questions

genitive for inaction, sedentary; accusative for movement, direction;