[Begreppsmässigt] , this design is years ahead of its competitors.

Hint: Don't forget to capitalize initial letters...


Before he retired from the Army, he had advanced to the rank of [major] .


Info: Pronounced with /dʒ/; no article in "the rank of X".

Meg was frequently seen at meetings that involved [(lokala) samhälls-] charities.

communal municipal

Info: Other terms might include “village, town, city, local” (charities).

Operation of this machine [kräver] the use of safety goggles.


Info: ”Demands” is not appropriate in a legal context.

The [tillgång] of nitrogen is one determining factor in the growth of algae.

availability supply

Info: Another common phrase would be: "access to nitrogen", but that requires the preposition "to".

The key [fråga] is whether positive feedback loops will be successful here.

Hint: Look for a synonym for “question”!

issue question point

Winning tomorrow's match will [garantera] us a place in the finals.

Hint: Find a synonym for “guarantee”!


Info: Note the spelling with en-, not in-.