[Att göra sig en föreställning om] n-dimensional space is a challenge for non-mathematicians.

Hint: Note that this is an ing-form!

Conceptualizing Conceptualising

Info: Forms in -ising and -izing are of course both correct.

At 18 a person has reached their [myndig ålder] and can vote and drive a car.

Hint: A legal term is appropriate here.


Info: ”Adulthood” is a more general term.

By 2003, Venus Williams was [konsekvent] able to beat high-ranking challengers.


Info: Note that “consequently” means ‘as a result of (sth)’.

Einstein was primarily a dyed-in-the-wool [teoretiker] , but his ideas have in fact turned out to be testable.

Hint: ”Dyed-in-the-wool” means ‘deeply, thoroughly’

theorist theoretician

Info: ”Theorist” is much more common than “theoretician”.

Finally, a plastic bag that is [miljö-] friendly!

Hint: A hyphen is usually appropriate if you make this a compound.

environment- environment environmentally

Info: Note that the adverb “environmentally” doesn’t have the hyphen.

The real point at [(på) spel] is whether it’s morally correct to behave that way.

Hint: This is an idiom: “the matter at…”

issue stake

Their complaints are actually off [missar målet] .

Hint: This is an idiom: “to be off…”


They tried to light a fire with the damp wood, but to no [förgäves] .

Hint: This is an idiom: “to no …”.


We are [närmar oss] the Christmas holidays, and still no signs of snow!

Hint: You’ll need a verb in the ing-form.
