[Därefter] , the weakened flood barriers gave way in numerous places.

Hint: Find a synonym for “Afterwards”!

Subsequently Afterwards Thereafter

All [beståndsdelar] must separately be FCC-approved.

Hint: Find a synonym for “parts”!

components parts

Her aunt was an important [förebild] model for Janice when she was growing up.


Info: The spelling “rôle” is almost never used anymore.

Most of the [medarbetare] to the Festschrift volume were well known in their field.


Info: The standard phrase for authors of articles in a book.

Our [informations-] group has summarized the results in this graph.

Hint: Find a synonym for “information”!

data information

Using the drop-down menu, [välj] the appropriate printer.

Hint: Find a synonym for “choose”!

select choose pick

Who seems to be ahead in the [primärval] in the big states?

primaries primary election primary elections