[Ansenliga] sums of money changed hands at the gambling tables every night.

Hint: Remember to use a capital letter!

Considerable Largish

I [fick tag i] their address from an old friend.

Hint: Find a synonym for “got”!

obtained got

Parapsychological [företeelser] have often been researched, but never proven.

Hint: The target word has an odd singular form and an irregular plural!

phenomena occurrences

Info: One phenomenon, two phenomena.

The conquest of Greece [tilldelade] a severe blow to the Axis forces.

administered dealt

Info: ”Inflicted (upon)” is also possible.

The murder squad found [bindande] evidence that O’Neill had been at the crime scene.

conclusive decisive

Info: ”Binding” would be understood, but is not idiomatic.

There was no [skriftliga] evidence that she had cooperated with the enemy.

Hint: Find a synonym for “written”!

documentary written

You just get that [griller] right out of your head, young man!

Hint: Said rather sharply to a child or teenager.
