German forces were [samlade] in a ring around Stalingrad.

concentrated massed gathered assembled

If your unearned [inkomster] amounts to more than $10,000, you must also fill in Form 1040B.

Hint: Note that this term is usually in the singular!


It seems that [före] to 1970, this disease was rarely seen.


Info: Note that the phrase is “prior to”.

Lyme’s [härledning] was extremely complex, some 60 densely-written pages.

derivation proof

Info: These are the two technical words used in mathematics.

Now that we’ve studied the situation [tillräckligt] , it’s time to act!

Hint: Find a synonym for “enough”!


We’ll have to find a cheaper [ersättning] for chromium.

substitute replacement

Info: In a chemical context, "substitute" is better than "replacement".

When my grandfather went for a walk, he called it his daily [promenad] .

Hint: An old-fashioned word for “walk”.

constitutional stroll

Info: ”Promenades” are mainly taken in Paris or in done in square-dancing.