A hostage negotiator needs to have a calm, [balanserad] personality.

Hint: Find a synonym for “balanced”!

stable balanced

After the Black Death, Florence quickly achieved [herrevälde] over the other Tuscan towns.

dominance supremacy

Info: Words such as “domination, control, ascendency, mastery” don’t collocate as well with “achieve”.

Billy suggested a minor [förändring] that actually improved the suggestion quite a bit.

Hint: Find a synonym for “change”!

modification change adjustment alteration

His new engine apparently [förbrukar] 20% less fuel than the standard type.

Hint: Find a synonym for “uses”!

consumes uses

Mary’s negotiating skills turned out to be [avgörande] to the project’s success.

Hint: Note the preposition!

crucial vital

Info: ”Decisive” takes “for”.

Most [arbeten] now require at least a high-school education.


Info: Note that “work” cannot be used.

Note that the insurance policy has several [undantag] , such as the standard ‘force majeure’ clause.


Info: ”Exceptions” doesn’t fit in an insurance context.

We were able to detect the [skillnad] at higher magnification, however.

Hint: Find a synonym for “difference”!

distinction difference