That's a really [intrikat] question.

intricate complicated difficult delicate

It must cost in the [närapå] of ten pounds.

Hint: The Sw trigger is only one word, but the Eng phrase is ‘in the X of’

neighbourhood neighborhood region

I could feel the [drag] from the window.

draught draft

Info: AmE spells it "draft", BrE spells it "draught".

I dug out the old [smycke-] box.

jewelry jewellery

Info: AmE uses "jewelry", BrE uses "jewellery".

She loved to wear the most [fantastiska] clothes.

outrageous fantastic extravagant fabulous

I didn't get all the [hushållsarbete] done until nearly midnight.

Housework housework

Info: "Household chores" is an alternative phrase.

As the floodwaters [drog sig tillbaka] , the mud was everywhere.


Info: ”Retired” is a formal, rather literary alternative.

He swore upon his [heder] that it was true.

honour honor

Info: BrE spells it "honour", AmE "honor".