"the table" in German?

der Tisch

Info: In German nouns always has a capital letter initially, so here we've checked "Validate case".

Who were in the crew of the first lunar mission?

Hint: This is a multiple choice question that requires you mark all correct answers

Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin Michael Collins

By what name does the actor to the right call the parrot?

Hint: This is a multiple choice question with only one correct answer


The actor to the left claims the parrot...

Hint: This is a multiple choice question with more than one correct answer, but you only have to pick one.

… has "a lovely plumage" … is a "Norwegian blue"

What's this?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Finnish, Russian, Swedish & Japanese

tweezers Pinzette pince à épiler pinsetit пинцет pincett ピンセット

Info: One of any correct answers can be matched. Wordalist handles any Unicode compatible language.

"Strangers in the [xxxxx], exchanging glances"

Hint: This is a famous Frank Sinatra song. Which word is missing?


Info: The info field can be used to explain something after the user has answered, or simply give a reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strangers_in_the_Night

Which title is NOT a work by Kurt Vonnegut?

The Piano Player

Info: "Player Piano" is a work by Vonnegut though…

Who's the author of this painting and what art movement does it belong to?

Hint: You have to pick both an artist and an art movement

Claude Monet Impressionism

You probably know who this is, but what was his real surname?

Hint: You can answer in transliterated English, German, French, Swedish, Russian or the original Georgian.

Jughashvili Dschughaschwili Djoughachvili Dzjugasjvili Джугашвили ჯუღაშვილი

Info: And for those who didn't recognize this deadly dude... it's Joseph Stalin

Do you know any synonyms for "arduous"?

hard backbreaking challenging demanding difficult laborious rigorous rough rugged tough

Info: Pls comment to this question if you have any suggestions that are not listed as correct answers!