What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

eagle Adler aigle орёл örn

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

hawk Habicht autour ястреб hök

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

pigeon Taube pigeon голубь duva

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

sparrow Sperling moineau воробей sparv

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

bullfinch Gimpel bouvreuil снегирь domherre

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

tit Kohlmeise mésange синица talgoxe

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

woodpecker Buntspecht pic épeiche дятел hackspett

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

owl Eule chouette сова uggla

What's this?

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nest Nest nid гнездо bo rede fågelbo

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

cuckoo Kuckuck coucou кукушка gök

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

eagle-owl Uhu Hibou grand-duc филин berguv

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

crow Krähe corneille ворона kråka

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

rook Saatkrähe Corbeau freux грач råka

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

jackdaw Dohle Choucas des tours галка kaja

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

magpie Elster pie bavarde сорока skata

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

lark Lerche cochevis жаворонок lärka

What's the name of this bird?

Hint: Answers accepted in English, German, French, Russian & Swedish

nightingale Sprosser rossignol соловей näktergal