01. Clothes

21 questions

What piece of clothing is in the picture?

02. Kitchen utensils

22 questions

Fill in the gap with the right substantive. Find hints in the pics.

03. Traffic

14 questions

Fill in the correct word in a sentence. Find hints in the pics.

04. Fruit

19 questions

What fruit is in the picture? (The classification is botanic, not culinary.)

05. Vegetables

16 questions

What vegetable is in the picture?(The classification is botanic, not culinary.)

06.1 Furniture

20 questions

What furniture is in the picture?

06.2 Furniture locative

20 questions

Fill in the correct substantive in locative. Find hints in the pics.

07. Crockery and cutlery

17 questions

What piece of cutlery or crockery is in the picture?

08. Personal hygiene

20 questions

What article of personal hygiene is in the picture?

09. Cleaning tools

15 questions

What cleaning tool is in the picture?

10. Animals CZ/EN

16 questions

look at the picture and write what it is in your language (Czech, English).

11. Tools CZ/EN

13 questions

Write the name of a tool picture in CZ or EN

12. Planets in our solar system CZ/EN

9 questions

Write the name of a planet in CZ or EN.

13. Musical instruments CZ/EN

15 questions

Name musical instrument in the picture (CZ, EN).